Fascia is the biological fabric that holds our body together. Yoga can help change the shape of fascia to relieve tension.
Stretching the glutes after a long cycle
After my first multi-day mountain biking trip, my glutes (or buttocks) were in agony. They became tight both from working hard and also being pulled at the same time by my back muscles as I leaned forward on the bike.
Stretching the psoas with a basic lunge
The psoas is a muscle that connects the lumbar or base of your spine to the front of your hips or pelvis. It can be a common cause of back, hip and knee pain. And it frequently ends up tight
Where do you put your hand in triangle pose?
Triangle pose or trikonasana is one of my favourites. Trampers will love the stretches for the side body and legs. Cyclists will love the core strength without a sit up. However there is one very small alignment decision that can
Stretching the leg muscles (cyclists this one’s for you)
Several friends are riding the Tour Aotearoa, 3,000km of cycling from Cape Reinga to Bluff in 30 days or less. As their training rides have increased, so have the niggles of chronically tight muscles. The large muscles of the legs