Legs up the wall (viparita karani) is often best known for the benefit of triggering the parasympathetic nervous system, sometimes called the rest and digest response. In these variations you can add a range of different stretches for the legs and hips, while also gaining the stress-relieving benefits of the pose.
Cool down and relax with legs up the wall – Viparita Karani
It’s February. That means in Wellington, it’s hot and everyone spends as much time outside as they can soak up the sun. By the time Sunday rolls around, I’m exhausted from the heat and too many great events outside. So
Recovering – legs up the wall
Viparita Karani, or legs up the wall, is an excellent pose for recovery whether it’s the end of a run or the end of a stressful week. One of the key benefits is that it redirects the blood flood and helps stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest response).