The misleading perception of triangle pose is that we feel like we need to lean down towards the floor. But this pose is not about bending down to the floor – it is a side bend with a slight twist in your spine.
Position the hips in triangle pose to keep the back and sacrum healthy [video]
Photos of triangle or trikonasana pose often show a version that requires more flexibility than the average body. As we’ve gotten smarter about how our bodies work, particularly how they change over time with aging, inactivity and repetitive movement, we’ve
Where do you put your hand in triangle pose?
Triangle pose or trikonasana is one of my favourites. Trampers will love the stretches for the side body and legs. Cyclists will love the core strength without a sit up. However there is one very small alignment decision that can
Stretching the side of the body
Ever feel tight along the sides of your body between your hips and the bottom of your rib cage? This muscle group can get tight when we have asymmetries in our hips, shoulders or back, or when we move while
Small changes make a big difference – triangle pose
A couple weeks ago the practice tip focused on using triangle pose to find a stretch in the sides of your upper body. The last step was adjusting your hand on your leg. Have you ever wondered where exactly to
Stretching the side of your body – take 2
Yep, I’m still focused on different ways to relieve back pain – who knew there were so many options! Yoga is great for moving your body in ways that you often don’t – particularly twisting and bending sideways – both
Triangle pose 101
Trikonasana – or triangle pose – offers a good way to stretch legs, hips, chest and shoulders. It helps to warm-up with a few lunges and down dog before trying trikonasana. How to get in to the pose and a