These videos from Amber Karnes of Body Positive Yoga look at ways to avoid putting weight on your arms in sun salutations using a chair or blocks to adapt the movements.
More sun salutation variations to avoid or reduce weight on your upper body

These videos from Amber Karnes of Body Positive Yoga look at ways to avoid putting weight on your arms in sun salutations using a chair or blocks to adapt the movements.
Sun salutations have many benefits making them a good option to do a little yoga at home. Not to mention the ability to adapt and create a sequence unique to your body and needs.
There are many variations to sun salutations. In this video
I demonstrate three different variations for sun salutations to help you build your own yoga practice at home. They feature gentle, intermediate and strong options.
This video explores variations of sun salutations at the wall with a range of creative spinal movements.
If you have wrists injuries, you may want to avoid some of the repetitive positions in a yoga class that put weight on the hands – particularly the sun salutation sequence that includes down dog and plank. This brief video
Many yoga poses in the sun salutation sequence put weight on the hands and wrists. This includes down dog, plank, chattaranga (lowering to a press up position) and even cobra pose. That can be demanding on the wrist joints. This
Balance is a common theme in yoga. Not just balancing on one foot or your hands, but balancing movement and effort. For example, we always do movement on each side of the body. And we also balance one type of
For the last few weeks we’ve be going through a simple sequence that feels almost like a sun salutation to warmup the shoulders, spine, chest and back. It starts with an extended form of child’s pose. I’ve detailed this pose