Story of the lemon tree is way to explore the different between thriving and just surviving and coping.
Thrive versus survive – the story of the lemon tree

Story of the lemon tree is way to explore the different between thriving and just surviving and coping.
I’m not sure who came up with the idea of taking a deep breath to relax. But unfortunately, it’s a very unhelpful suggestion. Breathing deep will not relax your body. Instead it leads to hyperventilation (too much oxygen) and that
Restorative yoga is different from other styles of yoga. It’s focused on supporting your body in resting postures to slowly release tension and stress. You can use bolsters or pillows, and blankets to support your body in different positions for
If you don’t want to lie down on the floor from last week’s options for cooling down with yoga, there are other options. Some of the breathing practices from yoga also trigger the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) which tells your
Legs up the wall is an restorative yoga pose that can help trigger the parasympathetic nervous system.