This adapted version of plough pose (halasana) avoids putting pressure on the neck and avoids moving the neck into flexion. It still offers a way to stretch the hips, back and hamstrings along with the relaxation benefits.
Triggering the rest and digest response
Some yoga poses can help trigger the rest and digest response, or the parasympathetic nervous system. They work by giving the body physiological cues that it should move into the rest and digest state. They’re known as inversions. Here a few gentle options to try.
How to do a gentle version of supported bridge pose
he gentle version of supported bridge pose can help trigger the parasympathetic nervous system (think rest and digest response) by providing a gentle and safe way to raise the body above the head. It makes a safe and easy alternative to headstand or shoulderstand.
How to do restorative yoga cobblers pose [video]
Reclining cobbler’s pose or supta baddha konasana is a classic from restorative yoga. Relaxing while positioning the body for a gentle release of tension in the chest, shoulders and hips.
Using restorative yoga to relax
Restorative yoga is more than just getting comfortable with extra pillows. It offers relaxation by stretching fascia, triggering the rest and digest response and supporting conscious relaxation like meditation.
Gentle options for restorative yoga backbend [video]
Learn three different options for gentle restorative yoga backbends especially for people who experience muscle pain and tightness in the lower and mid back.
Restorative yoga when the silly season hits [video]
In our busy lives, managing stress and relaxing are always important. But as the end of year approaches and the silly season kicks in, it’s more important than ever. Restorative yoga is a great option to turn to. It not
What is restorative yoga?
Restorative yoga is different from other styles of yoga. It’s focused on supporting your body in resting postures to slowly release tension and stress. You can use bolsters or pillows, and blankets to support your body in different positions for
Restorative yoga backbend to stretch shoulders, chest and neck [video]
I recently featured a deep active stretch for the shoulders that also stretches the muscles of the chest and sides of the body. However, my favourite way to stretch these muscles is through a restorative yoga backbend. Restorative yoga is
Deep shoulder stretch [video]
The muscles around the shoulders can feel chronically sore and tight – particularly across the upper back and along the neck. This can result from posture that’s slumped forward (often from sitting too long), as well as overuse of the