Some yoga poses can help trigger the rest and digest response, or the parasympathetic nervous system. They work by giving the body physiological cues that it should move into the rest and digest state. They’re known as inversions. Here a few gentle options to try.
How to do a gentle version of supported bridge pose
he gentle version of supported bridge pose can help trigger the parasympathetic nervous system (think rest and digest response) by providing a gentle and safe way to raise the body above the head. It makes a safe and easy alternative to headstand or shoulderstand.
Using restorative yoga to relax
Restorative yoga is more than just getting comfortable with extra pillows. It offers relaxation by stretching fascia, triggering the rest and digest response and supporting conscious relaxation like meditation.
Sun salutations at the wall to move your spine
This video explores variations of sun salutations at the wall with a range of creative spinal movements.
Recovering – legs up the wall
Viparita Karani, or legs up the wall, is an excellent pose for recovery whether it’s the end of a run or the end of a stressful week. One of the key benefits is that it redirects the blood flood and helps stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest response).