Here are five different ways to stretch your quadriceps or thigh muscles. I’ve included tips for micro movements that can help deepen the stretch.
Yoga for trampers mini classes – Video 1 – balance and hip release
Home practice video 1 (15 minutes): brief yoga practice that includes a focus on balance and hips Why we balance? Nearly every yoga class I teach, will have some sort of one leg balance. Balancing on one leg helps build
In a standing twist, what part of your body is twisting?
So we’ve covered tipping your pelvis up/down and side-to-side. But you can also twist your pelvis, or more accurately rotate your hips forward or back. We often don’t notice that our hips or pelvis can twist or rotate. However, it’s
Why the hips matter in your leg stretches
In parsvottanasana if the pelvis isn’t in the right position, you’ll find almost no stretch and may feel back pain. But to find the right position, can be very particular. This article explores a number of small adjustments to help you find the sweet spot.
Lunge variations to stretch the hamstrings and hips
This variation on the traditional lunge helps stretch the hamstrings, hips and buttocks.
Supta padangusthasana stretching hips and legs to relieve back pain (video)
I regularly refer to this pose as one of my favourites and an excellent stretch for trampers. It’s designed to stretch the back of your legs including hamstrings and calves, as well as the outer muscles of the hip joint
Standing poses to stretch the hips, glutes and hamstrings
Parsvottanasana is often translated into English as the ‘intense side stretch pose.’ It is an intense and excellent stretch, often for the hip and glutes as well as the hamstring, but the alignment is a bit specific. You’ll know when
Wide leg child’s pose 101
Child’s pose or balasana is a resting pose – often we come in to this pose in class to catch our breath. It’s also very calming as it turns your focus inward, shuts out distractions, and allows you to slow
Yoga Poses 101: How to do Prasarita padottanasana to stretch your hips, groin, hamstrings
Prasarita padottanasana offers ways to stretch and move your upper torso, shoulders and back.