Getting back to the glutes, or the muscles in your buttocks and around your hip joint. These big muscles work hard and easily get tight. I’ve already featured some of the classic poses to stretch this muscle group, but sometimes
Tipping the pelvis (for the better glute stretch)
Last week, I featured a few of my favourite stretches for the glutes (or the muscles in your bum and around your hip). I often recommend tipping your tailbone (or pelvis) in one direction or another to find a better
Stretching the glutes
I can’t believe it. I searched back through 3 years of email tips and I haven’t written one about stretching your glutes! The glutes – short for gluteal muscles – are the muscles in and around your bum. They are
Release the hips by stretching the thighs
Here are five different ways to stretch your quadriceps or thigh muscles. I’ve included tips for micro movements that can help deepen the stretch.
Yoga for trampers mini classes – Yoga Video 4 – relaxing stretches for hips
Home practice video week 4 (15 minutes): brief gentle yoga practice that focuses on hip stretches – covering inner thighs, hip flexors and hip extensors What are the hip ‘muscles’? When I start my classes, I always ask if
Another option to stretch the hips and help the back
Last week’s email featured a yoga pose that often helps with low back pain when the back pain is due to tight muscles in your legs and hips. But that doesn’t work for everyone, since it depends on which muscles are
So what do you do with back pain?
Last week I mentioned a brief article from US Consumer Reports highlighting a study that found yoga (and tai chi, or the like) was helpful to almost 90 percent of people who experienced back pain. I also said the suggested stretches
Why the hips matter in your leg stretches
In parsvottanasana if the pelvis isn’t in the right position, you’ll find almost no stretch and may feel back pain. But to find the right position, can be very particular. This article explores a number of small adjustments to help you find the sweet spot.
What we do when we balance on one leg
When you balance with a slightly bent or very bent knee it’s easier to activate your glutes and all your other muscles to help you balance.
Lunge variations to stretch the hamstrings and hips
This variation on the traditional lunge helps stretch the hamstrings, hips and buttocks.