Legs up the wall (viparita karani) is often best known for the benefit of triggering the parasympathetic nervous system, sometimes called the rest and digest response. In these variations you can add a range of different stretches for the legs and hips, while also gaining the stress-relieving benefits of the pose.
Proud peacock as a cue for the position of your spine
Explore three different cues to find the right hip and spine position for a better stretch in parsvottanasana – using the image of a proud peacock as a guide.
How to do restorative yoga cobblers pose [video]
Reclining cobbler’s pose or supta baddha konasana is a classic from restorative yoga. Relaxing while positioning the body for a gentle release of tension in the chest, shoulders and hips.
Side lunges 101
Not commonly a yoga pose, side lunges can be a great way to stretch the groin (inner thigh) and hamstrings (back of the thigh).
Foot movements to change your stretch [video]
This video goes through different foot movements to change the way you feel the stretch in your hip and leg. It also helps stretch the fascia in your legs.
Stretching the psoas with a basic lunge
The psoas is a muscle that connects the lumbar or base of your spine to the front of your hips or pelvis. It can be a common cause of back, hip and knee pain. And it frequently ends up tight
Stretching the leg muscles (cyclists this one’s for you)
Several friends are riding the Tour Aotearoa, 3,000km of cycling from Cape Reinga to Bluff in 30 days or less. As their training rides have increased, so have the niggles of chronically tight muscles. The large muscles of the legs
Balancing on 1 leg is more than just your feet (video)
Whenever we think about standing balances – particularly on one leg, we tend to focus on the feet. It’s pretty obvious why. When you balance on one leg you can feel the muscles in your foot and ankle working hard
Stretching the piriformis (think hips)
I am still on the theme of the butt, but with a change in focus on the piriformis. This muscle has a major role in hip movement and attaches at the spine. As a result it can be a common
The best 2 minute glute and hamstring stretch [video]
With the silly season fast approaching, we’re all short on time. So a briefer email and option to skip to the second stretch in this video (supta padangusthasana). There are 3 stretches in the video, start at 3:20 and watch