Legs up the wall (viparita karani) is often best known for the benefit of triggering the parasympathetic nervous system, sometimes called the rest and digest response. In these variations you can add a range of different stretches for the legs and hips, while also gaining the stress-relieving benefits of the pose.
Accessible and safe version of plough pose
This adapted version of plough pose (halasana) avoids putting pressure on the neck and avoids moving the neck into flexion. It still offers a way to stretch the hips, back and hamstrings along with the relaxation benefits.
Alignment of knees, hips and feet in lunges [video]
Lunges are an excellent stretch for the muscles of the hips, legs and even the feet. It is a stretch or position that is possible for many people despite having tight muscles or limited flexibility. Because it’s quite easy to
Getting a better hamstring stretch by moving your tailbone
I often talk about tipping your tailbone up or down in my weekly yoga classes. As I’ve written before, this cue is a way of helping you think about how to move your pelvis. For this post I’m focusing on
Stretching the leg muscles (cyclists this one’s for you)
Several friends are riding the Tour Aotearoa, 3,000km of cycling from Cape Reinga to Bluff in 30 days or less. As their training rides have increased, so have the niggles of chronically tight muscles. The large muscles of the legs
Lunge variations to stretch the hamstrings and hips
This variation on the traditional lunge helps stretch the hamstrings, hips and buttocks.
Stretching thighs and hamstrings with wide leg forward fold
Wide leg standing poses are excellent for stretching your inner thighs and groin. When you fold forward, you can also stretch your hamstrings. Adding this twist variation, can change the feeling of the stretch in your legs and hips, and
Calm, cool and stretch legs with seated forward fold – Paschimottanasana
Forward folds can be both calming and cooling. Though your muscles will be tight if you are cold, so be cautious when stretching or find a warm space. Sit down with legs stretched out in front of you. If you
Standing poses to stretch the hips, glutes and hamstrings
Parsvottanasana is often translated into English as the ‘intense side stretch pose.’ It is an intense and excellent stretch, often for the hip and glutes as well as the hamstring, but the alignment is a bit specific. You’ll know when
Seated stretch for hamstrings and beyond
Bending over can be quite hard if your hamstrings (the backs of your thighs) are tight. You’ll regularly hear me suggest that you bend your knees in all types of postures when we bend or fold forward, so that you