The Copenhagen adductor exercise is a creative way to strengthen the inner thigh muscles, but what does that have to do with yoga?
Copenhagen adduction exercise (strengthen the inner thighs/groin)

The Copenhagen adductor exercise is a creative way to strengthen the inner thigh muscles, but what does that have to do with yoga?
Not commonly a yoga pose, side lunges can be a great way to stretch the groin (inner thigh) and hamstrings (back of the thigh).
Several friends are riding the Tour Aotearoa, 3,000km of cycling from Cape Reinga to Bluff in 30 days or less. As their training rides have increased, so have the niggles of chronically tight muscles. The large muscles of the legs
By now, you should know that strengthening is just as important as stretching. Weak muscles can contribute to misalignment and injury or pain. Last week we focused on stretching the inner things or adductors. And we learned that these muscles
The last few weeks I’ve focused on the muscles at the front of the thighs, but what about the muscles in your inner thighs. These muscles are responsible generally for adducting or pulling/squeezing your legs together. That’s why they get
Wide leg standing poses are excellent for stretching your inner thighs and groin. When you fold forward, you can also stretch your hamstrings. Adding this twist variation, can change the feeling of the stretch in your legs and hips, and
Every yoga class I’ve taught has had a few, if not several lunges in them. The lunge is a simple and easy way to stretch several muscles in your legs including the thigh and groin muscles including the psoas. There
Baddha konasana (bound angle pose or cobbler’s pose) can help stretch hips and groins. It’s also sometimes referred to as butterfly pose. With your shoes off, sit on the floor bringing the soles of your feet together. You can experiment
Child’s pose or balasana is a resting pose – often we come in to this pose in class to catch our breath. It’s also very calming as it turns your focus inward, shuts out distractions, and allows you to slow