This stretch for the muscles and fascia of the upper back loads the muscles and tissues in a lengthened state, making it easier to tension already over stretched muscles safely.
Simple back stretch with active glutes
So what if you just want to stretch the back? Sphinx pose is often quite effective and simple. However, it’s very important that your buttocks and core muscles are active or you might feel more pain in your back. Lie
Stretching the side of your body – take 2
Yep, I’m still focused on different ways to relieve back pain – who knew there were so many options! Yoga is great for moving your body in ways that you often don’t – particularly twisting and bending sideways – both
Yoga when you need calm
Last week I talked about the physiological impact of chronic stress – how it can overstimulate the sympathetic nervous system and trigger a persistent state of fight or flight. And how some yoga poses can help counteract this reaction in the body.
Stretching the spine with extended child’s pose 101
Have you ever woken up with a stiff back? Or maybe finished a tramp and felt like you wanted to stretch your spine? This version of child’s pose is a simply way to stretch your back and has the added