Ever feel tight along the sides of your body between your hips and the bottom of your rib cage? This muscle group can get tight when we have asymmetries in our hips, shoulders or back, or when we move while
New resource – how to guide from Boston Medical Center on Yoga for back pain
A research study from Boston Medical Center recently found that gentle yoga can be as safe and effective as physical therapy in easing back pain. That’s not too surprising – there are literally hundreds of studies with similar findings. The exciting
Stretching the side of your body – take 2
Yep, I’m still focused on different ways to relieve back pain – who knew there were so many options! Yoga is great for moving your body in ways that you often don’t – particularly twisting and bending sideways – both
Stretching the side of your body – take 1

I’m still on that theme of relieving back pain. There are a lot of reasons people experience back pain and it depends on your unique body. In fact, check out this great article on why every yoga pose if different
Another option to stretch the hips and help the back
Last week’s email featured a yoga pose that often helps with low back pain when the back pain is due to tight muscles in your legs and hips. But that doesn’t work for everyone, since it depends on which muscles are
So what do you do with back pain?
Last week I mentioned a brief article from US Consumer Reports highlighting a study that found yoga (and tai chi, or the like) was helpful to almost 90 percent of people who experienced back pain. I also said the suggested stretches
Yoga for back pain

Research shows yoga can help with back pain.
Using your leg muscles in cobra pose to protect your back

Using your leg muscles in backbends like cobra can help prevent back pain and protect your back. Try these steps to see if you notice a different feeling in your lower back and belly. Lie down on your belly with
Seated spinal twists

Spinal twists can help relieve back pain and sometimes help even out muscle tension in the back – here are a couple of variations that might be familiar. Sit down on the floor with both legs extended in front of