Pratyahara, one of the eight limbs of yoga, is just as vital for managing stress as the more well known practices of asana, pranayama and meditation. Pratyahara is more than just disconnecting.
This stretch for the muscles and fascia of the upper back loads the muscles and tissues in a lengthened state, making it easier to tension already over stretched muscles safely.
The ‘golfer’s lift’ provides a great method for leveraging your body weight to move in and out of one-leg balance yoga poses (like warrior 3/Virabhadrasana III).
Finding the right position for you of the shoulders and elbows in a press-up is more about activating the right muscles. This helps protect the shoulder, wrist and elbow joints from injury.
What would you like to see in my next mini yoga videos? Each Christmas, I publish a series of videos featuring brief versions of my weekly classes so you can do yoga over the holidays. Let me know your request and you might see it in the next video!
Explore three different cues to find the right hip and spine position for a better stretch in parsvottanasana – using the image of a proud peacock as a guide.