This variation of cobra pose (Bhujangasana) focuses on stretching the chest, arms and shoulders. It has the added benefit of taking pressure off your wrists and creating a much smaller backbend which can be gentler on the spine.
Guide on how to do a basic sun salutation in yoga
There are many variations to sun salutations. In this video
I demonstrate three different variations for sun salutations to help you build your own yoga practice at home. They feature gentle, intermediate and strong options.
Accessible and safe version of plough pose
This adapted version of plough pose (halasana) avoids putting pressure on the neck and avoids moving the neck into flexion. It still offers a way to stretch the hips, back and hamstrings along with the relaxation benefits.
Challenge your standing balance with new mini class
This mini yoga class features a complex single leg balance to give you a little bit of fun. The balance sequence is explained at the beginning, so feel free to skip ahead to start of the session.
How to do restorative yoga cobblers pose [video]
Reclining cobbler’s pose or supta baddha konasana is a classic from restorative yoga. Relaxing while positioning the body for a gentle release of tension in the chest, shoulders and hips.
Sun salutations at the wall to move your spine
This video explores variations of sun salutations at the wall with a range of creative spinal movements.
Happy hips in extended side angle pose [video]
The position of your feet and ultimately your hips can make a big difference on keeping your back, pelvis and sacrum healthy and safe in extended side angle pose.
Body position for extended side angle pose [video]
To master extended side angle pose is about finding the side body stretch and that requires just the right body position.
Gentle options for restorative yoga backbend [video]
Learn three different options for gentle restorative yoga backbends especially for people who experience muscle pain and tightness in the lower and mid back.
Yoga with your eyes closed [video]
Proprioception is essential to balance. To test and work on improving your proprioception, try this yoga sequence with your eyes closed.