I can’t do yoga because I can’t touch my toes. Saying you aren’t flexible enough for yoga is like saying you aren’t strong enough to go to a strength class. You go to a strength class to get stronger. You
Doing yoga at home – what would feel good?
It’s really helpful to realise that doing yoga at home (at work, on holiday, or anywhere else) doesn’t have to look or feel like the weekly classes you go to. In fact, just taking a couple of minutes to do one thing can have a big impact.
Marichyasana III seated twist pose 101
I love a good spinal twist to release tension in the back. Seated twists have the benefit of making it easier to keep your hips from moving while your upper torso turns. This only works if can you keep your
Position the hips in triangle pose to keep the back and sacrum healthy [video]
Photos of triangle or trikonasana pose often show a version that requires more flexibility than the average body. As we’ve gotten smarter about how our bodies work, particularly how they change over time with aging, inactivity and repetitive movement, we’ve
Side plank 101
Here are the step by step instructions for a gentle version and full version of side plank (vasisthasana). If you find this pose difficult, try lifting your hips up and down as you breath in and out, instead of holding
Challenge your balance by making small changes in tree pose [video]
This video takes you through a few options to challenge your balance in tree pose. You can close your eyes (tips to help balance when you close your eyes), try to balance on your toes, or add arm movements (combining
Restorative yoga when the silly season hits [video]
In our busy lives, managing stress and relaxing are always important. But as the end of year approaches and the silly season kicks in, it’s more important than ever. Restorative yoga is a great option to turn to. It not
Moving sequence for neck, arms and hands [video]
This is one of my favourite ways to relieve tension in the neck, shoulders and hands. It comes from Yoga Synergy based in Sydney, Australia. The purpose of the gentle moving sequence is to tension and stretch the fascial tissue
Breathing for relaxation – it’s not about a deep breath, but a relaxed body
I’m not sure who came up with the idea of taking a deep breath to relax. But unfortunately, it’s a very unhelpful suggestion. Breathing deep will not relax your body. Instead it leads to hyperventilation (too much oxygen) and that
Less is more – Will/does this hurt?
I’m working my way through an online course on integrating yoga therapeutics into rehabilitation. If you’re interested, it’s freely online from Smart Safe Yoga (just ask me for the code for free access). The course kicked off the second week