Baddha konasana (bound angle pose or cobbler’s pose) can help stretch hips and groins. It’s also sometimes referred to as butterfly pose. With your shoes off, sit on the floor bringing the soles of your feet together. You can experiment
Wide leg child’s pose 101
Child’s pose or balasana is a resting pose – often we come in to this pose in class to catch our breath. It’s also very calming as it turns your focus inward, shuts out distractions, and allows you to slow
Yoga Poses 101: How to do Prasarita padottanasana to stretch your hips, groin, hamstrings
Prasarita padottanasana offers ways to stretch and move your upper torso, shoulders and back.
Core strength with boat pose and its variations
We’ve been doing some variations of boat (paripurna navasana) pose over the last few weeks with a focus on strengthening your core or the abdominal muscles. Here’s a brief article from Yoga International magazine that describes some of those variations.
Triangle pose 101
Trikonasana – or triangle pose – offers a good way to stretch legs, hips, chest and shoulders. It helps to warm-up with a few lunges and down dog before trying trikonasana. How to get in to the pose and a
Gentle flowing stretch for wrists
But as requested, here’s a 1 minute video of a stretch for your wrists that we often do in class. This stretch comes from Lynda Miers-Henneveld of Freed-om-yoga in Island Bay – She’s an excellent teacher if you find yourself