Child’s pose is almost as common as down dog in any yoga class, but often we don’t even notice it. It’s an important pose for resting, letting your heart rate return to normal, your breath settle and calming. Here’s the
Standing twist and stretch for the back
Do you ever feel that need to stretch your back – like when you first wake up in the morning, or after a long tramp when you finally take your pack off? A few simple standing movements can help bring
Plank variations for core and strength work
Plank is one of those poses that appears in just about every yoga class. A lot. Sometimes, we just see it as a transition pose – just getting from down dog to the floor for a rest. But plank requires
Gentle seated neck stretches
We often have tight necks from tramping, or leaning forward at the computer, or looking down while we read. This is one of the simplest ways to stretch your neck gently. The small adjustments make the difference. So take the
Even breathing practice for relaxation ~ pranayama
This week’s tip is one of my favourite breathing techniques to help relax. Read through the directions first and then try the practice. And as with any breathing practice, if it doesn’t feel right or you experience tension, stop the
Supported restorative child’s pose with spinal twist
I teach a weekly restorative yoga class at HealthFit Collective and occasional month ultra-indulgent restorative yoga class at Urban Yoga. If you haven’t tried restorative yoga, you have no idea what you’re missing! Here’s on of my favourites. It would
Stretching thighs and hamstrings with wide leg forward fold
Wide leg standing poses are excellent for stretching your inner thighs and groin. When you fold forward, you can also stretch your hamstrings. Adding this twist variation, can change the feeling of the stretch in your legs and hips, and
Crescent lunge for leap day (stretch thighs)
It’s the 29th of February leap day in a leap year! I tried to think what pose in yoga is most like leaping through the air – and thought of crescent lunge! Particularly if you focus on your back leg.
Calm, cool and stretch legs with seated forward fold – Paschimottanasana
Forward folds can be both calming and cooling. Though your muscles will be tight if you are cold, so be cautious when stretching or find a warm space. Sit down with legs stretched out in front of you. If you
Cool down and relax with legs up the wall – Viparita Karani
It’s February. That means in Wellington, it’s hot and everyone spends as much time outside as they can soak up the sun. By the time Sunday rolls around, I’m exhausted from the heat and too many great events outside. So