Working from home full time along with the stay at home orders mean I am sitting more than ever. And it’s not as interrupted as it once would have been. Gone is my cycle commute. Gone are the interruptions of walking to a printer, standing up to talk to a co-worker, or sneaking out to get a coffee.
As a result I’ve found that once a day exercise isn’t enough. I need micro-movements to interrupt the hours I’m spending in the same chair, staring at the same screen.
So I decided to make list of my top 5 yoga stretches or movements. Things I could do without changing my clothes, that will get me to stand up and move. I’ve also tried to hit the usual tight problem areas – shoulders, wrists, neck, hips, glutes, thighs and back.
My top 5 list of standing movements:
*click on the image to read the how to or watch the video

There are heaps more you could add or you can think up your own list. Get some inspiration from my other yoga@work mini videos.