The gentle version of supported bridge pose can help trigger the parasympathetic nervous system (think rest and digest response) by providing a gentle and safe way to raise the body above the head. Which is why I have previously suggested it as an alternative to more intense yoga inversions.

For the gentle version of bridge pose, you’ll need a bolster, pillow or just a thick folded blanket.
How to do the pose:
- Lie down on the floor with a pillow or blanket nearby.
- Bend your knees and bring your feet to the floor as wide as your hips.
- Lift up your hips and move the bolster under your hips. The bolster should support your buttocks and hips. Let all your weight rest on the bolster. Relax the muscles of your thighs and buttocks.
- You can experiment with the position of the bolster to find the most comfortable position – try moving it towards your heels or towards your shoulders to find a position that is comfortable for your back.
- Rest here for 1 to 3 minutes initially. If you find it feels good, you can gradually build up the time you are comfortable resting in this position.
- To come out, lift up your hips and slide the bolster out to the side. Bring your hips down to the floor. Then bring your knees to your chest to give them a hug.
For more tips on setting up the pose and cautions, see my Restorative Yoga at Home Booklet.
You can also watch my short video on how to do the pose or come along to one of my upcoming specialty restorative yoga sessions.
How to do a gentle version of supported bridge pose