Be careful if you have wrist, elbow or shoulder injuries. Forearm side plank might be a better option, or skip the pose altogether and check out my video on looking after your wrists in yoga.
- Sit on your right hip.
- Place your right hand under your right shoulder. Fingers point straight ahead.
- Either make a fist with your right hand or press into your right palm.
- Step your left foot in front of you with your toes pointing straight ahead.
- Start with your left hand on your left knee.
- Keep your right leg straight. Flex your right foot and toes towards you.
- Press down through your right hand, your left foot and the outside edge of your right foot.
- Then lift your hips up. If this is hard, press your left hand on the floor first to lift your hips.
- Try to lift your hips, waist, right armpit and right calf away from the ground.
- If your shoulder and wrist are ok, try lifting your left hand up.
- Rest and then try the other side.
If you want to challenge yourself do all of the following steps and then stack your left foot on top of your right. You could start with your left hand on the ground until you find your balance, and then lift it to your hip or up to the sky.
Side plank 101