Lunges are an excellent stretch for the muscles of the hips, legs and even the feet. It is a stretch or position that is possible for many people despite having tight muscles or limited flexibility. Because it’s quite easy to do, it’s often easy to be lazy with your body position. And then you miss out on the stretch or might even irritate joints or muscles.

This 4 minute video takes you through the basic alignment of the feet, knees and hips in a lunge. I’ve also included 2 variations of the lunge that can stretch through the hamstrings, calves and hips or buttocks. I love lunges and I’ve written about them a lot. So if you want more variations then the ones in the video, try the intense thigh stretch, adding a twist to stretch the buttocks, a twist for the spine, or add balance.


Alignment of knees, hips and feet in lunges
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