I recently featured a deep active stretch for the shoulders that also stretches the muscles of the chest and sides of the body. However, my favourite way to stretch these muscles is through a restorative yoga backbend.

Restorative yoga is focused on passive stretches with lots of pillows and blankets to prop up or support your body. This allows you to gently rest in a position for a longer period of time. The idea is that you can learn to consciously relax or release muscle tension that you chronically hold in your body.

Check out the video or see the how to directions below.  This pose comes from my Restorative Yoga at Home booklet and you can find similar restorative yoga poses on my YouTube channel.


How to do the pose:

You’ll need a bolster, pillow or folded blanket.

  1. If you don’t have spinal injuries, sit on the floor in front of the bolster. Leave some space between your hips and the bolster. If you have spinal injuries or you get low back pain, sit on the bolster.
  2. Lie down on the bolster with your spine centred down the length of the bolster.
  3. If your head is not supported by the bolster, put another blanket or pillow under your head.
  4. Stretch your arms out to the sides with palms up to the ceiling. Shoulders relaxed down.
  5. Legs can go straight down the floor or you can bend your knees with feet on the floor.
  6. Stay here from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes.
  7. To come out, bend your knees and bring your feet to the floor.
  8. Reach your arm across your body and roll off the bolster to your side. Rest here for a minute.
  9. You may want to come into child’s pose or lay flat on your back and hug your knees to your chest. Take your time sitting up.


restorative backbend if you have spinal injuries
restorative backbend if you have spinal injuries


restorative yoga backbend with NO spinal injuries
restorative yoga backbend with NO spinal injuries

Restorative yoga backbend to stretch shoulders, chest and neck
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