I’ve already talked about sphinx pose as an alternative to cobra pose in the standard sun salutation.
Another option is doing down dog and plank on your elbows instead of putting weight on your hands. There are 2 different poses that you can try. Both will help strengthen and stretch your the muscles of your shoulders and back. Because these positions require a lot of effort and strength from your shoulder joints, they may not be safe if you have current or even old shoulder injuries.
In this position you interlace your fingers. It can be easier and safer to to stablise your shoulders with the hands clasped in front of you.
- Start on your elbows and knees.
- Place the elbows approximately under your shoulders. It’s important that you feel like you have room for your shoulders. So you may have to move your elbows wider.
- Interlace the fingers in front of you. Point both pinky fingers straight ahead (to keep from squishing them).
- Without moving your arms, try to squeeze your elbows towards each other – you can imagine you are hugging someone with your elbows. Press the space between your shoulder blades up towards the ceiling. Keep these actions persistent.
In this position you have to work harder to keep your shoulders in healthy alignment. Focus on looking after your shoulders more than getting your knees off the ground.
- Start on your elbows and knees.
- Just like the first pose, place the elbows approximately under your shoulders. It’s important that you feel like you have room for your shoulders. So you may have to move your elbows wider.
- Your hands will go straight out in front of your elbows. You can either make a fist with your hands or press your palms flat. If making a fist, don’t squeeze too hard, instead focus on slightly pressing the edge of your fist into the floor. If using flat palms, press down in to your palms.
- Press the space between your shoulder blades up towards the ceiling – this is even more important in this position. Keep this action.
- Without moving your arms, try to squeeze your elbows towards each other – you can imagine you are hugging someone with your elbows. Keep this action.
Now you know the position of your arms, if you already find enough work in your shoulders* stay here. Or if it’s ok, you can add more challenge:
- Tuck your toes under and lift your knees off the floor. Then lift your hips up taking your legs towards straight. This becomes down dog.
- If you want to do plank – you can step your feet one at a time back until your hips are nearly level or just below the height of your shoulders. Just like normal plank, remember to squeeze your buttocks and thighs inward.
*If you find it difficult to breath, you are trying to hard and need to choose a gentler option.