Last week, we focused on the arms in garuda or eagle pose to stretch the shoulders. This week we’ll add in the legs – in this posture the position of the legs has the double benefit of building strength while stretching the hips and ankles, and releasing tension in the sacrum.

eagle pose classic version

  1. Start with your feet about hip-width apart, toes straight ahead (barefoot). Hands can be on the hips.
  2. Bend your knees. Lift the left leg over the top of the right and you can start by touching the left toes to the ground to the right side of your right leg.
  3. Keep bending the knees, and squeezing the thighs together.
  4. To challenge your balance, lift your left toes off the ground. You can then try to wrap your left toes back behind the right calf, but this is not necessary. In fact your muscles will work harder if you do not hook the toes.
  5. Continue to actively but subtlety press the thighs inward towards each other, helping the back of your hips to spread.
  6. After a few breaths, unwind the legs and step your left foot down. Bend your knees a few times and then switch to the other side.

Classic version of eagle pose or garuda
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