A couple weeks ago the practice tip focused on using triangle pose to find a stretch in the sides of your upper body. The last step was adjusting your hand on your leg. Have you ever wondered where exactly to put your hand?

One thing to consider is whether your hand is on your leg or hovering off the floor. We always see photos with the hand hovering off the floor but why?

triangle pose hand hoveringWhen your hand is hovering off the floor in triangle pose the pose builds strength but does not stretch effectively. You have to use the muscles in your core and back to hold your upper body up. It’s a great way to get strength, but the muscles are so busy holding your body up, they aren’t able to relax enough to stretch well and often the muscles are working so hard the hips move out of alignment.

When your hand is resting on your leg, your muscles work less to hold you up. You can focus on correct alignment in your hips and find the best stretch. To get even more benefit, you can even press in to your hand to lift the opposite side of your chest up for a bigger stretch.

So where on your leg does your hand go? The answer is it depends on your body. Are you tall or short? Do you have long arms, long legs, a long torso? triangle pose hand pressing on shinAre your hips and back tight? The answer to those questions affects what position is possible for your body to get in to and what position will give you the best stretch. There is no one perfect position for every body – there is only the perfect position for your body.

  1. Start with your hand just below your knee on your shin
  2. Reach your hips back behind you and press your back heel down.
  3. Slowly slide your hand down your shin noticing how it affects the feeling in your back, hips and side – you’ll have to decide the right position for you.

Small changes make a big difference – triangle pose
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