So what if you just want to stretch the back? Sphinx pose is often quite effective and simple. However, it’s very important that your buttocks and core muscles are active or you might feel more pain in your back.
  1. Lie down on your belly.
  2. Legs are about hip-width apart – or whatever feels most natural.
  3. Slide your hands forward so elbows are under shoulders.
  4. Before you press down in to your arms, squeeze your buttocks to push your pelvis down into the floor and slightly squeeze your thighs inward but don’t let the legs move. When you do this, it should feel as if your lower back is bending less.
  5. Keep active with the muscles in your legs, as you press down in to your elbows. Tighten your armpits and slowly lift your chest.
  6. Experiment with this option – with all of your muscles active, slightly grip the floor with your hands and without moving imagine using your hands to drag your body forward – the goal is to feel a little longer in your spine.

You can also do this pose while standing at the wall which may be more gentle if you experience lower back pain. Stand with your body touching the wall. Slide your hands up the wall until your hands are about level with your head, then squeeze buttocks, squeeze thighs, tighten armpits and try to pull your chest upwards and slight away from the wall.

Simple back stretch with active glutes
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