I’m still on that theme of relieving back pain. There are a lot of reasons people experience back pain and it depends on your unique body. In fact, check out this great article on why every yoga pose if different for every body. In the article the author quotes population geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky that ‘differences aren’t deficits’ and goes on to say:
“Just as no one else has your dental pattern, it’s also true that no one else has your bone structure, your spine, or your hips. There are things you can do right now, there are things you will be able to do in time, and there are things you will never be able to do. This is not a critique of your abilities or a reflection of your personality or a flaw that needs fixing—this is simply the reality of your existence.”
So what does that mean for relieving back pain? Well the last few weeks we focused on hip stretches focused on the buttocks and hamstrings – the muscles that extend and pull your leg back and help you balance, but it may be something totally different that is affecting your back pain.
So try this stretch for your side body:
- Start in a lunge with the right foot in front.
- Bring your back left heel down to the floor so your foot is flat and move your left foot out a little left.
- Lift up your chest and stretch your left arm back and right arm forward (to warrior 2 pose).
- Then bring your right elbow to your right knee.
- Swing your left arm forward.
- Here’s the side stretch – push down through your left heel, push your back left thigh out and then try to lift the bottom left side of your rib cage away from your left hip when you breath.
Notice the stretch has nothing to do with your shoulder.