Here’s another useful pose that stretches the hips and buttocks, and again can help with back pain. Try both several times in the same week to see if either one makes a difference for you.
Or try them both back-to-back and see which pose provides a more intense feeling of stretch and/or relief.
- Start on your back with feet on the floor.
- Cross your left ankle on to your right thigh.
- Gently press the left knee away without letting your hips move until you find a stretch.
- If you don’t find a stretch, try putting your right foot on a block or stack of books.
- If still no stretch,
with both hands grab your right thigh and pull it towards you, moving your left ankle towards you and deepening the stretch.
- You can also grab the right shin, but it’s not necessary.
- If this is reasonably easy for you, experiment with trying to pull your tailbone down towards the floor.
- Switch to the other side.
Another option to stretch the hips and help the back