Twists can help relieve back tension and stretch the sides of the body, as well as the chest and shoulders. But have you ever noticed that when we do certain twists when lying on the floor we start by moving the hips?

When we move our hips, we’re lining the spine to be in a straight line when you twist. This would happen automatically if you were standing and just twisted only your upper torso to the right but not your hips.

When we are lying on the floor our upper torso often stays fixed and the hips move into the twist (without shifting to the side first). This move the spine slightly at an angle.
spinal twist lying down
Looking at the photo, you can see the ‘straight’ line of my spine as it lines up with the boards on the floor.

Try the twist as we usually do below (and then try it without shifting your hips to one side and notice the difference):

  1. As with all spinal twists, move slowly and only to a place that is comfortable for your body.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your knees and bring your feet to the floor.
  3. Lift up your hips and shift them to the left. Take your right leg down the length of the floor. Move your left knee across your body to the right side.
  4. Once there, try adjusting the position of your left knee and foot. Adjust your arms, especially the left shoulder until you find just the right spot.
  5. Be sure to twist to the other side as well.

Options for reclined spinal twists
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