As the silly season approaches and life gets crazy with work deadlines and social priorities, it’s that much more important to find a few minutes of calm in your day.

Last week I featured a restorative yoga pose with a spinal twist. If that wasn’t comfortable for your back, you might try this pose – a supported version of child’s pose.

You’ll need a couple of pillows or neatly folded firm blankets. I’ve included a few options with this pose if you find it uncomfortable for your knees or ankles.

restorative child's pose

How to do it:

  • Stack the pillows or blankets in a long rectangle.
  • Point your toes away and bring big toes together or towards each other.
  • Take your knees wide and pull the stack of pillows towards you.
  • Use your hands either side of the stack to lie your chest and belly down on the stack.
  • You might need to move the stack further away or closer to your body to be comfortable.
  • Your shoulders should not hunch up, so you may need to move your elbows out to the sides or slide your hands forward.
  • Turn your head to one side. After a couple of minutes, turn your head to the other side.
  • You may need to experiment with the height of pillows until it’s perfectly comfortable.
  • If it’s not comfortable for your ankles, put a rolled towel or blanket under your ankles.restorative child's pose with ankle support
  • If it’s not comfortable for your knees, put a pillow or blanket in between your calves and thighs.restorative child's pose with knee support
  • Try putting a blanket over your body for extra calm.
  • Rest about 3 – 5 minutes.

Restorative yoga for quieting the mind
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