We often use bridge pose at the end of class to open the shoulders and chest, build a little strength in the lengths and counter core strengthening poses. There are many variations of this pose, but I rarely have time to introduce them in class. Here’s one of the most common.

Bridge pose

  1. Lay down on your back.
  2. Bend your knees to bring your feet underneath your knees. Toes straight ahead. Feet about hip-width apart.
  3. Heels should be underneath your knees.
  4. Squeeze your shoulders under you.
  5. Start to lift your hips to a place that is comfortable for your back using your buttocks to help lift you. Avoid the temptation to push your hips as high as they can go.
  6. Lift your sternum – the centre of your chest – up.
  7. Keep your neck neutral by slightly pressing the back of your head into the ground and slightly lifting your chin.
  8. Stay for a few breaths before lowering down. Lower down one vertebra at a time from the upper spine with hips last thing to hit the floor.

Bridge pose with variation

  1. Follow all the directions above. Then interlace your fingers underneath you – taking your arms straight. If you cannot get your arms straight, do not do this variation.
  2. If this is comfortable, rest here for a few breaths.
  3. Come out of the pose as before.
  4. Once down, bring your knees in to your chest and give them a hug, rocking back and forth.

Variation with bridge pose
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