A key factor in finding a healthy and relieving spinal twist is keeping the twist in your spine, versus twisting your hips. Sometimes this can be easier to do while seated because your hips stay in a fixed position.

A seated twist is something you can easily do while sitting at your desk, in the car or on the floor.

seated twist
You will find it easiest to do a seated twist while sitting in a chair because its easier to find neutral alignment for your spine – not rounding your back. To do that, move forward to the edge of the chair and let your tailbone tip a little behind you. You should have a slight natural arch in your lower back.

If you are sitting on the floor and it’s difficult to sit without rounding your back, then sit on blankets or pillows.

The how to:

  1. Keep your hips facing forward.
  2. Gently let your right shoulder guide the twist back to your right.
  3. Reach your right hand to the floor or edge of the chair behind you. Press through your hand to help you sit up and twist.
  4. Then use the left hand on the outside edge of your left knee or the edge of the chair to help you twist. Try pulling against your left hand and pulling your left shoulder BACK in the opposite direction of the twist.
  5. Feel your chest lift up as you breath.
  6. Stay here for a few gentle breaths. Then switch to the other side.

Gentle seated twist
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