- Start on your back. Bend your knees and bring your feet to the floor.
- Keep your feet and knees apart – at least as wide as your feet.
- Reach your arms out to the sides with palms up.
- Roll your shoulder blades down underneath you.
- Gently, let your knees move to the right side. Move slow and be sure this position is ok for your back and hips.
- You can experiment with gently pulling your knees towards the floor to see how that changes the feeling in your back and maybe stretches the thigh of your top leg. If you have issues with lower back or pelvic/hip pain, skip this option.
- After a few breaths, lift your knees up and over to the other side.
When finished, bring your knees back to the middle and in to your chest and give them a hug, rocking side to side.
Open hip spinal twist