Cobra pose shows up in just about every yoga class as an essential part of sun salutations. It’s easy to be lazy and just lift your chest off the floor not getting any benefit from the pose. But if you think about which muscles you use and how to align your body, you’ll find a better stretch and opportunities to strengthen.

cobra pose

  1. Lie down on your belly with your forehead on the floor. Bring your palms to either side of your rib cage. Legs can be apart.
  2. Without moving your legs, squeeze your thighs and buttocks towards each other, and press your pelvis into the floor.
  3. Spread your palms, and again without hands moving – push your hands down, forward and almost inward.
  4. Keep shoulders relaxed down.
  5. Lastly, imagine squeezing your armpits in – sounds funny but try it!
  6. Then press down in to your hands to lift your chest from the floor.
  7. Notice in the photo that I’m looking down so my neck is neutral. My arms never go all the way straight and I stay reasonably low to the floor.
  8. Try it and the different cues and see what you think.

How to do cobra pose and keep your back safe
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