This is a less common version of child’s pose. It’s known as hare pose, though even this is a variation of hare pose. It’s a great way to find a deep shoulder and chest stretch while calming.

child's pose with shoulder stretch

Caution: You will need a certain amount of flexibility in your shoulders for this pose. If you are not able to straighten your arms with your hands clasped behind your back, do not try this pose.

First, check your shoulder flexibility. While standing, clasp or interlace your fingers behind your back. See if it’s comfortable to straighten your arms. If this is painful or very intense. Skip the pose. Simply stay standing, and work on gently pulling your shoulders and elbows back, even with elbows bent.

If straightening your arms while standing is ok, then try the full pose. Start by kneeling.

  1. Interlace or clasp your fingers behind your back.
  2. Lift up your hips, as if standing on your knees, and then bring the top of your head (NOT your forehead) to the floor. It should be the very crown of your head on the floor. If this is not accessible or not comfortable, stop.
  3. If this is ok, slowly relax your weight on to your head and then lift your hands up to a place of moderate stretch.
  4. Stay for a few breaths and then sit up, releasing your hands. Then stretch your arms forward and rest in traditional child’s pose.
  5. Try the pose again but change the grip of your hands, either bringing the other index finger on top, or changing the clasp of your hands.

Child’s pose with deep shoulder stretch
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