Do you ever feel that need to stretch your back – like when you first wake up in the morning, or after a long tramp when you finally take your pack off? A few simple standing movements can help bring movement to your spine.

- Start standing with feet hip-width apart.
- Bring your fingers to almost touch your ears with your palms facing forward.
- Keep your hips straight ahead, a slight bend in your knees.
- Turn towards to your left. Then press your left palm back behind you and your right palm in front of you – making an L shape with your arms. Keep your wrists flexed and fingers up to the sky.
- Bring your hands back by your ears as you turn back to the centre, then turn to your right, pressing the right hand behind you and left hand in front of you.
- Come back to the centre and repeat several times on each side.
Standing twist and stretch for the back