- Step your feet apart. The distance between your feet should be about the distance of one of your leg lengths.
- Your feet should be parallel – toes point straight ahead.
- Slightly bend your knees and press evenly through your feet (big toe, little toe and heels).
- Hands on hips, lift up through your chest, tip your tailbone back and let your chest fold forward to a place that is comfortable for you.
- You can rest your hands on the floor or if that’s difficult, rest your hands on a block or a chair.
- Don’t let your feet or hips move while you walk your hands to your left leg grabbing what is accessible – thigh, knee, shin, ankle or foot. Relax your head down and gently pull with your hands.
- Keep even pressure in both feet and don’t let your hips twist. Feel free to bend your knees if it’s more comfortable.
- Then move to the other side.
- When finished come back to the middle and rest here for a few breaths, before bending the knees slightly and lifting your chest back up.
Stretching thighs and hamstrings with wide leg forward fold