Wide leg standing poses are excellent for stretching your inner thighs and groin. When you fold forward, you can also stretch your hamstrings. Adding this twist variation, can change the feeling of the stretch in your legs and hips, and provide a gentle releasing twist in your spine. Start from a squat or forward fold and step your left foot back into a lunge.

wide leg forward fold - Prasarita Padottanasana


  1. Step your feet apart. The distance between your feet should be about the distance of one of your leg lengths.
  2. Your feet should be parallel – toes point straight ahead.
  3. Slightly bend your knees and press evenly through your feet (big toe, little toe and heels).
  4. Hands on hips, lift up through your chest, tip your tailbone back and let your chest fold forward to a place that is comfortable for you.
  5. You can rest your hands on the floor or if that’s difficult, rest your hands on a block or a chair.
  6. Don’t let your feet or hips move while you walk your hands to your left leg grabbing what is accessible – thigh, knee, shin, ankle or foot. Relax your head down and gently pull with your hands. 
  7. Keep even pressure in both feet and don’t let your hips twist. Feel free to bend your knees if it’s more comfortable.
  8. Then move to the other side.
  9. When finished come back to the middle and rest here for a few breaths, before bending the knees slightly and lifting your chest back up.

Stretching thighs and hamstrings with wide leg forward fold