- Sit down with legs stretched out in front of you. If you have tight hamstrings, you might want to grab a folded blanket or towel to sit on – I’m using a rock in this photo (not as comfortable but still works).
- Flex your toes towards you.
- Let your knees bend slightly, or more if your legs are tight.
- Lift up through your chest and then hinge at the hips as you lean forward.
- Try to bring your navel forward, instead of rounding your spine.
- Your hands can rest on the ground or grab your legs, calves, ankles or feet. Or use a strap around your feet – whatever feels comfortable and doesn’t hurt your back.
- Rest here for 1-2 minutes. Let your eyes close and focus on a natural pace in your breath. Let your exhales grow a little longer and with each exhale, see if you can relax the back of your legs and allow your upper body to hinge further forward.
- Breath in as you lift your chest forward and up, as you exhale holding on to your legs, let your head come forward and push your upper back backwards.
- Then lift your chest up and shake your legs.
- Take a little rest and repeat – is the stretch more accessible?
Calm, cool and stretch legs with seated forward fold – Paschimottanasana