I’m still on the theme of strengthening shoulders, but now with a little core strength added in.

forearm side plank

  1. Start by lying on your side. Bring your right elbow directly under your shoulder.
  2. Let your right hand go directly out from your elbow. Either press the palm in to the ground or make a fist.
  3. Step your left foot in front of your right.gentle forearm side plank
  4. Flex your right toes towards you.
  5. Lift up your hips by pressing into your right shoulder, left foot and the outside edge of your bottom right foot.
  6. Try not to shrug your shoulders, but instead lift your rib cage up away from the ground.
  7. Hold for a few breaths, then come down and roll over to the other side.
  8. If you’re shoulder feels ok in this position and you would like to work harder, try stacking your feet.

Forearm side plank for core and shoulder strength
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