I enjoyed the long weekend on a climbing trip on the South Island. When I started to write this week’s tip, there were calls for a shoulder stretch. This pose is most known for strengthening the shoulders, but it can provide an excellent stretch at the same time.

- Start on your hands and knees.
- Bring your elbows to the floor under your shoulders. Stretch your hands out from your elbows. Spread your palms and press your palms into the floor.
- To find the action in your shoulders, first try shrugging your shoulders slowly and gently, up and down.
- Eventually, start to press consistently through your elbows to lift your upper back up, so your chest moves away from the floor.
- Relax your neck and head, just let your hand hang.
- Don’t move your arms, but try squeezing your elbows towards each other as if you’re giving someone a hug with just your elbows.
- Don’t work too hard through your muscles.
- If it feels ok on your shoulders, try lifting your knees off the floor.
- Stay here for a few breaths and then rest in childs pose.
- To counter this pose, try clasping your hands behind your back, or even just grabbing your wrists, or elbows behind your back.
- Try this a few times.
Forearm down dog for shoulder stretch and strengthen