lunge with a twistSometimes the simplest poses give the best stretch. They are easy to get in to, accessible to most people and give you a chance to pay attention to the small changes in your body that can affect the stretch.


Even though you’ve done this pose before, try it again and consider some of the following suggestions:


  1. From standing, squat down and step your left foot back. Make sure your front knee is over the top of or behind your ankle. Before you twist…
  2. Push your back left thigh up.
  3. Push down through your front foot, as if stomping.
  4. Spread your back toes, and push a little through your back heel.
  5. Lightly, pull your right hip back and left hip forward, as if you’re trying to square your hips forward.
  6. Then lift your right hand up and if ok on the neck, look up.
  7. Switch sides and repeat.
  8. Then try the whole process again, but step back in to the lunge, lift your hand to twist, and then try all the little movements in your body.
  9. Anything feel different?

Simple lunge and twist
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