Last week, we had a play with half moon pose.
Here’s some homework if you want to brush up for your second chance this week. You don’t need a block, grab anything that helps you balance – a chair works perfectly.
Here’s a different way to come into the pose:
- Start with your feet hip width apart and toes straight ahead.
- Bend your knees and fold forward to bring your hands down to a block, chair or other place to help you balance.
- Bend your right knee and stretch your left leg back.
- Reach your left hand to your hip.
- Lift your left leg up.
- Lift your chest up to the height of your hips and press down through the block with your right hand.
- Start to ease your right standing leg to straight but only as far as it’s comfortable for your hip flexibility.
- Start to open your left hip, turning your left toes to face the left side.
- If you feel balanced, reach your left arm up to the sky. Still there?! Look up to the sky.
- Come out of the pose the same way and try the other side.
You can’t tell it in this photo, but I’m just about to fall over. Balance is about having fun!
Challenge your balance with a little help – half moon pose