We’ve been experimenting with a number of variations of balancing on one leg over the past few weeks as it’s a great way to build strength in your feet and ankles, and of course…improve balance! So I’m revisiting a favourite, tree pose, but with particular things to think about:

tree pose

  1. Standing with your feet hip width apart, lift up your toes, spread them out and place them back down so you can feel each toe press into the floor individually.
  2. Hands to the hips.
  3. Look at a spot on the floor in front of you or forward (for extra challenge).
  4. Bring the inside of your left foot to press lightly on the inside of your right ankle, calf or thigh. Not on your knee.
  5. The left hip and knee open to the left, but it doesn’t matter how much. It’s more important that both of your hips face forward.
  6. Then stretch up through the top of your head as if you’re trying to prove you are a few centimetres taller.
  7. As you stretch up, feel your right hip come underneath you.
  8. Now soften the knee of your standing leg and try pushing in to each one of your toes on the floor, one at a time.
  9. If you find this challenging, try standing in a doorway, let your arms hang down and lightly press the back of your hands into the the door frame only when you need help to balance.
  10. If you find this easy, try looking up to the ceiling or close one or both eyes!
  11. Don’t forget to try the other leg.

Tree pose 101 (vrksasana)
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