The forward fold (or uttanasana) is another common posture. We often don’t pay much attention to it, but we use this pose all the time to transition. On it’s own, it can be a good stretch for your hamstrings and calves, and is also a calming pose.

  1. Start with your feet about hip-width apart. If you’re not sure how far that is. Make two fists with your hands. Bend your knees and fold down, placing your fists side-by-side between your feet.
  2. Keep the knees bent, enough that you don’t strain your lower back.
  3. Your hands might reach the floor, or they can just hang or rest on thighs or knees.
  4. Let your head hang free.
  5. If you find this is quite difficult or find strain in your lower back (especially if you have not warmed up), place your hands on a table, bench or the wall at the height of your hips and then lean forward. Adjust the height of your hands to a place that is comfortable for you.
Folding forward
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