Yoga has been evolving since it was first conceptualised, and western practitioners are often introducing new poses or ways to move, including this pose often called ‘thread the needle.’

thread the needle step 1

It’s a gentle and accessible way to start your yoga practice – the twist helps bring movement to the spine, hips, shoulders, wrists and neck as well as providing a stretch for the shoulders.

  1. Start on your hands and knees, with hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Try pointing your toes back. If this hurts your ankles, just tuck your toes under or roll a towel underneath your ankles.
  2. On a natural inhale, lift your right arm up. On the exhale, thread your right hand between your thigh and left hand – bringing your head and shoulder to rest on the floor in a comfortable position. thread the needle step 2
  3. Do this movement several times, trying to coordinate the movement with a gentle relaxed breath.
  4. A good tip to keep the neck relaxed is let your gaze follow the movement of your right hand, up and down.
  5. Then rest for a few breaths with your head and shoulder on the floor.
  6. Then switch to the other side

Spinal twist combined with cat and cow pose
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