Parsvottanasana is often translated into English as the ‘intense side stretch pose.’ It is an intense and excellent stretch, often for the hip and glutes as well as the hamstring, but the alignment is a bit specific. You’ll know when you’ve got it right, because you’ll feel that intensity.

- Start with your feet about hip-width apart. If you aren’t sure how wide that is – try this trick: make two fists with your hands side-by-side, then bend your knees, fold forward and squeeze your fists between your feet. That should be about the right distance.
- Keep your left toes straight ahead.
- Step your right foot back about the distance of one of your leg’s (usually a little less than a metre). Your back right toes can either point straight ahead or out to the side.
- Your feet should still be hip-width apart – imagine each foot is on it’s own train tracks.
- Both legs are straight, but don’t lock your knees.
- Keep your hips square or both facing forward.
- Press down on your hips with your hands, take a breath and then hinge at the hips as you reach your chest forward about 1/3 or 1/2 the way down – only until you feel a stretch in your front leg and/or hip.
- If this hurts your front knee, press in to your front big toe or slightly bend the knee.
- The more you fold forward, the deeper the stretch.
- To come out of the pose, lightly bend the front knee as you lift your chest. Step your back foot forward. Switch to the other side.
Standing poses to stretch the hips, glutes and hamstrings