There are many ways to build upper body strength that put less strain on your shoulders than press ups. We’ll look at two in this week’s tip.

down dog knee forward

  1. The first option is simply to stay in down dog for 30 seconds, or longer. Be sure to take rests – as muscles need recovery time. While you’re there focus on spreading and pressing into your fingers, especially press in to the thumb and index finger. And for flexible people, avoid locking your elbows.
  2. For the second option, start in down dog and then lift one leg up in the air.down dog leg lifted
  3. Bend the knee and bring the knee in underneath your chest as you move your shoulders over your hands.down dog knee forward
  4. Keep pressing into all fingers, including the index finger and thumb and push the space between your shoulder blades up.
  5. Try to squeeze the knee into your chest even closer.
  6. Then push your hips back and extend your leg up in to the air.
  7. Repeat this 2-3 times on each side.
  8. You can also try connecting your breath to the movement. When you breath in, lift your leg up. As you exhale, bend your knee bringing it underneath. Inhale as you extend the leg out, exhale as the knee comes underneath.
  9. If this is challenging, you can always do the same action from your hands and knees.

Variations in down dog for upper body strength
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