You’ll need to do a bit of warm up for this one including a few sun salutations, lunges and triangle pose. If that sounds like too much work, just come to class!
Meanwhile, here’s how to get yourself into half moon with a little help from a pack or a chair or a tree. There are plenty of options, but this is just one way.
- Start in Warrior II (right foot pointing straight ahead, right knee bent, step your left foot back and turn your toes out at least to a 45 degree angle). Find your balance.
- Move in to triangle pose (Nearly straighten the front leg, but don’t lock your knee. Press through your front big toe and your back heel. Reach forward with your right hand as far as you can, hinge at your hips and lower your right hand down to your right shin. Bring your left hand to your hip).
- Now bend your front knee, reach forward with your right hand and rest your hand on a pack or chair or tree to help you balance.
- As you straighten your right leg, lift your back left leg up in the air. Roll your left hip open so that your left toes are pointing left (see the photo).
- See if you can turn on every muscle in both legs. Feel as if your back left foot is going to push over a wall and your right foot and toes are going to push through the ground. Keep your spine long and stretch through the top of your head.
- If you feel stable, lift your left arm up to the sky.
- To come out of the pose, bend your right knee, bring your left hand to your hip, and lift your chest up as your back leg tips down to the ground to return to warrior II.
Half moon – advanced one leg balance